Forklift parts
We are aware that the success of our company can only exist if we are a reliable source for you. We help you to be successful.

Forklift parts
Parts for all brands of forklift trucks and internal transport equipment.
Available 24/7
You can reach us
en 365 dagen bereikbaar
+31 (0) 165 551040
Servicenumber outside office hours
+31 (0) 6 46021997
The best solution to your question
Atlet, BT, Caterpillar, Clark, Crown, Daewoo / Doosan, Hyster, Jungheinrich, Komatsu, Lafis, Linde, Manitou, Mitsubithi, Nissan, OM / Pimespo, NYK, Rocla, Still, TCM, Toyota and Yale. Our range of lift truck parts contains all the parts you need to professionally repair your lift truck. We strive to deliver the best quality at a competitive price on the shortest notice.
Contact us directly:
+31 (0) 165 551040
Koremans group
Who are we?
Technical supplies
Quality comes first
Forklift parts
The parts you are looking for
Forklift services
For all brands of forklift trucks
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BUSINESSAWARDS Halderberge 2022
Met trots mogen wij bekend maken dat wij winnaar zijn geworden bij de verkiezing van de BUSINESSAWARDS Halderberge 2022! Categorie business to business.
Air curtains
Delivery and installation of two 30Kw vertically installed LSA-Frico air curtains at one of our valued customers. (Climate separation both winter and summer day)
Cable trays
The cable support systems that Vekoma Rides installs in its attractions are supplied by Koremans Technical Supplies from Oud Gastel. In addition, every new assignment is painstaking precision work, says Will van Sundert, who since 2014….
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+31 (0)165-551040
Industrieterrein Korenweide
Watermolen 4
4751 VK Oud Gastel
The Netherlands
IBAN NL76.INGB.0000.7399.26
BTW NL804.114.481.B01
KVK 20078897
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